Saints row 2 cutscene fix
Saints row 2 cutscene fix

saints row 2 cutscene fix

Not only can you choose your character’s gender (via a slider) and appearance, you can also select their voice and personality. The customization has undergone an absolutely massive overhaul, and you can now adjust pretty much everything you can think of. Turns out the Boss wasn’t killed in the yacht explosion at the end of Saints Row after all, he (or she) managed to jump off at the last moment but was badly injured and taken to prison. Saints Row 2 opens with the protagonist (known as “The Boss” in this game) waking up from a coma after several years in a prison hospital. Fortunately, things turned out rather well.

saints row 2 cutscene fix

I was quite apprehensive since they seemed to be going in this overly wacky direction with sewage-spraying minigames and other ridiculous nonsense, and I just wanted to see the continuation of the plot that ended in a massive cliffhanger in the previous game. I had enjoyed Saints Row a great deal, but now GTA IV was out and it seemed like Saints Row wouldn’t be necessary any more. When I saw the trailers, I wasn’t sure what to think. Instead, Volition chose to go for a more over-the-top, humorous approach with their sequel. It was clear that Saints Row 2 couldn’t go blow-to-blow with the GTA juggernaut and win simply copying Rockstar’s formula and improving the core gameplay wouldn’t be enough this time around. The first trailers were released shortly after the release of GTA IV, showcasing a game that looked very different from Rockstar’s epic. The first Saints Row had been a fairly big hit for THQ, so it was obvious that Saints Row 2 would see the light of day at some point. had been quietly working on their Saints Row sequel.

Saints row 2 cutscene fix